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922 South Morton Street
Bloomington, IN, 47403
United States


Cardinal Spirits is a craft distillery in Bloomington, Indiana that specializes in producing extraordinary spirits from local ingredients.  

Why Field Notes are the perfect gift

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Why Field Notes are the perfect gift

Jeff Wuslich

I like to keep organized. Over the years, I’ve used a lot of systems to keep track of my to-do lists, random ideas, notes from meetings, and design sketches. I had a palm pilot in the 90s. I went through the Franklin-Covey system. I kept index cards in my pocket. I used (and still use) every 37signals product. There is no perfect system, of course, but Fields Notes comes pretty close. Here are my reasons why:

  1. They’re incredibly portable. I almost always have my FN in my back pocket. Or, in a jacket pocket if I’m wearing a suit. It’s light and easy to carry. They don’t require an internet connection. It’s always on, with no boot up time. 
  2. They’re unobtrusive. If I’m in a meeting I can easily pull out a FN and jot down some notes. I don’t have to pull out my laptop. I don’t have to pull out my phone. It allows me to focus on the person at hand without looking distracted. This means that I’m NOT checking texts or reading emails during meetings. I can stay focused. 
  3. They’re flexible. I can draw in them. I can take notes. I can create lists. I can format my items however I want. 

The idea here is that I now take notes and write things down more than I ever did before. I rarely forget about something that I have to do. That doesn’t always mean I complete my task on time, but I have a fighting chance of doing so. Fields Notes have been instrumental in the startup of Cardinal Spirits for me. I don’t know what I would do without them. Buy these and use them and you will be happier. Or give them as a gift, and make someone else happier.
